98 South St, Granville NSW 2142
Work Hours
Monday to Saturday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
This qualification is designed for carers in the Aged Care industry that would like to advance their career. When you enrol with h&h you will be trained by industry professionals with years of experience working in Aged Care and who will share their extensive knowledge with each student.
You will learn how to read and implement change with individual care plans, whilst providing professional support and quality care. Your role enriches the lives of older Australians. Within your role you get to experience the personal satisfaction of knowing that you are doing a job that genuinely makes a difference.
Our Certificate IV in Ageing Support comprises 18 units, including 15 core units and 3 electives. These units provide a comprehensive foundation in individual support, covering the essential skills and knowledge needed to care for and support the elderly.
To tailor your learning experience to your career goals, choose from elective units that complement the core curriculum. If you’re unsure, our experienced staff can assist in selecting the best options for your needs.
First Aid is not included as part of your qualification; however, you can book it separately at a discounted price. This training provides an opportunity to learn all aspects of applying first aid in a variety of situations. The course includes both theory and practical components, with the hands-on delivery being one of the most popular aspects. First aid training is invaluable in everyday life.
Our staff will arrange your first aid training during your course to equip you for work placement. Click here for more information.
As part of our qualification you’re required to complete 120 hours of work placement during weekdays. Placements are generally full-time (120 hours in total), which not only allows you an opportunity to develop learnt skills but also valuable industry experience and could lead to employment opportunities.
We have long standing relationships with many Aged Care organisations. If you require assistance arranging work placement, we can connect you with an organisation.
A National Police Check is required for anyone who works or volunteers in care positions in Ageing Support in NSW. For information you can click here to read our student handbook.
You will be trained in assisting the elderly with their daily needs, providing professional support and quality care, you will be enriching the lives of older Australians. Advance your career in one of Australia’s in demand industries with h&h.
This course is delivered via 3 modes of study.
Delivered in-person at our Granville College Campus.
Paper-based studies with access to one-on-one trainer support at our College Campus in Granville.
Digital learning is delivered online via our learner portal.
Are you already working in the industry? Work-based training may be the perfect pathway for you to upskill and advance your career. Traineeship opportunities are available for this qualification. Click here to find out more.
Ready to get started? Before you enrol, ensure you meet our entry requirements for this course below.
For information on fees and to check your eligibility for funding click here.
For information on training package requirements for this qualification (CHC43015) click here.
All h&h courses/qualifications are nationally recognised. The issuing of testamurs requires compliance with all processes. When competency has been achieved, students will be issued with a Qualification or Statement of Attainment (SOA) within 28 days of college staff receiving the finalised student file.
Finding the right qualification for you is important to us, and we’re here to help. Simply send us an email or give us a call. We can assist you with:
For more detailed information about your course, including: