Male Childcare Workers

Male Childcare Workers

Male childcare workers are every bit as essential as their female counterparts. At h&h, we believe that male childcare workers offer positive male role models and give their charges a well-rounded perspective on life. With this in mind, we welcome male childcare...
Meet The Traineeship Coordinator

Meet The Traineeship Coordinator

Sarah Clark is the Traineeship Coordinator at h&h Accredited Training. At just 27 years of age, Sarah is one of our most enthusiastic and hard-working team members. She is loved by all who work with her and indeed everyone who meets her. In this blog, we discuss...
Meet the SSI Childcare Student

Meet the SSI Childcare Student

From Malaysia to SSI Childcare Student  SSI Childcare Student Zety is a mother of one from Malaysia. The 24 year-old came to Australia on a bridging visa through Settlement Students International to study childcare with h&h. “I initially paid for a student visa to...
SSI Student Minerva is Thriving in Her Studies!

SSI Student Minerva is Thriving in Her Studies!

SSI Student Minerva Girgis, 37, is studying childcare with us at h&h Accredited Training. She came to Australia after fleeing Sudan when she could no longer bear the daily persecution she and her family faced because her 17-year-old-son is Down Syndrome. She came...
You’re Never Too Old

You’re Never Too Old

You’re Never Too Old At h&h Accredited Training, we believe that you’re never too old to follow your dreams and achieve your goals. In fact, we support our students of all ages in doing exactly that. It is so incredibly rewarding for us. We become so...