Studying from home can be every bit as productive as classroom learning, if you are organised and dedicated. We already know you are organised and dedicated, after all, you’re a student of h&h Accredited Training! When Studying From Home,Treat Every Day As...
A Message from Kate Lovett, h&h Accredited Training General Manager Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) To all our valued staff and students at h&h Accredited training, firstly let me say that your health, wellbeing and safety are our priority here at our...
Want to know how sleep helps study? We spoke to Cheryl Fingleson, The Sleep Coach, on how sleep can help study and make your mind work more efficiently and retain information better. How Sleep Helps Study and Memory Retention “Sleep critical in the functioning of all...
h&h supports your study in so many ways. Our aim is to ensure that you never feel alone or overwhelmed throughout your course and as you enter a role in the workforce. We put support structures in place to ensure that you thrive in our friendly and welcoming...
Want to get the most from your adult education? It’s easy. As adults, we have a tendency to overthink things and we can often be quite hard on ourselves. We may feel we are ‘too old’ to begin a new career or ‘not qualified enough’ or just plain ‘too busy’ to...
Seamless study on top of everyday life may seem like a challenge. After all, as an adult, you automatically juggle many responsibilities. At any given time, you could have a full or part-time job, the responsibility of running a home, looking after loved ones and/or...