
Six Benefits of a Traineeship

Six Benefits of a Traineeship Are you thinking of doing a traineeship? That’s some smart thinking on your part. Here, we explain the multiple benefits you’ll gain from undergoing on-the-job study with h&h. LEARN ON THE JOB A traineeship allows you to continue...

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How To Get Ahead In Your Studies And Your Career

How To Get Ahead In Your Studies And Your Career Want to maximise your studies and get ahead in your career from the get-go? Follow this super-helpful advice! BE OPEN Stay open to all or any new work experiences and learnings. Keeping up to date with advancements in...

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How To Avoid Burn Out When Studying

How To Avoid Burn Out If you’re studying, raising a family, working full or part time, or even simply trying to do one of these things (let alone all of them), you’re going to find yourself at risk of burnout at some point. At h&h, that’s the last thing we want...

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First Aid Training – Yes, You Should Have It!

First Aid Training – Yes, You Should Have It! Did you know that on average, the NSW Ambulance Service alone responds to some kind of health scare or emergency call every 27 seconds? These statistics are quite frightening and highlight just how important it is that all...

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All about the NDIS

What is the NDIS? We are so glad you asked. It's an Australian federal government scheme that helps people living with disabilities enjoy a better quality of life. It does this by creating more job opportunities for skilled and certified graduates to work within the...

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Food Preparation in the Carer’s Workplace

In Early Childhood, Disability and Aged Care settings, we can make huge differences in the lives of children, parents and other family members, and a large part of that includes how we prepare their food and make meal times an enjoyable experience. For this reason,...

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Three Ways To Tap Into Your Creativity

When you have a job and career that involves caring for either children, the disabled or the elderly, there will always be a time when you need to get creative in the activities you carry out with them. Whether it’s art, drawing or drama, or music and dancing,...

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Seven Foods To Help You Concentrate (and some to avoid )

We get it … studying as an adult, with all your other responsibilities can be challenging at best. If you have family to care for on top of work commitments, finding the time – or indeed the motivation and mind clarity - to study can be even harder. Did you know that...

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How Further Study Can Make You Happy

Have you ever wondered what real happiness is? What is the actual secret to happiness? It's something most humans ponder on a daily or weekly basis, but sometimes it can elude us. Other times, it is present in a fleeting moment, a week-long celebration (like the...

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Why Sleep is So Important When Studying

Are you getting enough sleep? It’s super important that you get a quality eight hours or more each night, especially when studying.  We spoke to Cheryl Fingleson, The Sleep Coach, on how and why sleep can help you study more efficiently and retain information better. ...

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How To Stress Less When You’re Studying

Juggling study, a job and possibly even a family can sometimes be overwhelming, and it can be difficult working out how you will fit everything in. To help you out, we’ve listed a few top tips that will keep you organised and on top of your workload and hopefully even...

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