Traineeships are a great opportunity to be paid whilst working within an industry. It enables each person to gain knowledge and skills, and work towards a qualification. The training contracts combine work-based training with an employer and formal training with h&h Accredited Training. A traineeship contract is an approved NSW Government Inititative.
Check out our YouTube video with previous Trainee Jerome, who discusses the benefits of Traineeship and the pathways he took.
Hi! I’m Grace and I completed my Traineeship with h&h. This was a fantastic opportunity for me as I had just completed High School and didn’t know what to do about a job. This role allowed me to get a feel for the working industry and gradually work my way up into my current role as a Brand Coordinator, working in marketing. Business Traineeships are a great way to gain a qualification that can then be utilised in a bigger role for the future, and a wide range of industries. – Grace Bunt, Business Traineeship